Alcohol beverage samples provided by brewer, manufacturer or wholesaler to certain business meetings of certain trade associations permitted  -  Act 320
Business improvement or start-up loan guarantee program revised; eligibility expanded [Sec. 6305i-np]  -  Act 27
Business tax registration provisions [Sec. 1111mm, 3419, 3440m, 3481g-3484e, rm, rr, 3485c, L, 3497-3500g, 4117b-4123d, 4124m-4142m, 4190, 4190c, 4190u-4191t, 4194, 4195m, 9148 (3z), 9448 (8z)]  -  Act 27
Corporations, service corporations, limited liability companies and limited partnerships: laws revised and expanded  -  Act 400
Employment and training services grant for certain business in Milwaukee county [Sec. 9116 (7gg)]  -  Act 27
Labor training and employment services program for employes of FDL Foods, Inc.: grant provided  -  Act 119
Prison industries program for employment of inmates: DOC may lease space to private business; JCF approval re selection of business or lease; work release room and board payment provisions [Sec. 6384, 6385, 6393, 6395, 6398p, 6400, 9312 (2h), 9412 (2)] [6384 — partial veto]  -  Act 27
Uniform commercial code and business organization record-keeping functions transferred from Secretary of state to DFI [for section numbers, see entry under: ``Financial institutions, Department of"]  -  Act 27
Wisconsin trade project program created; export development loan program deleted [Sec. 508, 512, 6890, 6896, 6897]  -  Act 27
c - C -
campgroundCampground, see Recreation
cancerCancer, see Disease
canning industryCanning industry, see Farm produce
cardiopulmonary resuscitation _cpr_Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), see Medical service
catastrophic insuranceCatastrophic insurance, see Insurance — Health
Cemetery authority: disinterment and reinterment of human remains within same cemetery permitted in certain cases; immunity provision  -  Act 357
Funeral, burial and cemetery expenses not paid by decedent's estate: cap set; local responsibility revised [Sec. 2861, 2920, 2923-2926, 9326 (10)]  -  Act 27
Funeral, burial and cemetery expenses of AFDC recipients: DHSS to amend re special needs items [Sec. 9126 (27)]  -  Act 27
Southeastern Wisconsin state veterans cemetery: funding for [Sec. 9261 (2), (3)]  -  Act 216
Wisconsin veterans cemeteries: operation and eligibility conditions expanded  -  Act 255
Wisconsin veterans cemeteries: operation and eligibility revisions; fee for burial authorized [Sec. 1043, 2004-2008]  -  Act 27
Wisconsin veterans cemeteries: PR appropriation created to pay for burials [Sec. 1037]  -  Act 27
certified public accountantCertified public accountant
Certified public accountant licensure requirements revised; report re minority group members  -  Act 333
charitable corporationCharitable corporation
Charitable organization renewal of certificate of registration [Sec. 6479, 6506, 6577, 6579-6581, 9147 (1), 9447 (5)]  -  Act 27
Charitable organization solicitation: registration exemption extended to certain educational institutions  -  Act 277
Eleemosynary institutions: annuity exemptions revised  -  Act 242
Mortgage bankers, loan originators and solicitors: certain nonprofit corporations exempt from DORL regulation and certain registration requirements  -  Act 465
Nonprofit conservation organization grants provided; DNR to administer; JCF duties [partial veto]  -  Act 459
Prison industry programs and products sale by nonprofit or tax-supported agencies: approval by Prison industries board required  -  Act 389
Standard fee revisions [Sec. 6472m]  -  Act 27
charter schoolCharter school, see School
Centralized state check processing plan to be developed [Sec. 9101 (20t)]  -  Act 27
chemical testingChemical testing, see Implied consent
child born out of wedlockChild born out of wedlock, see Nonmarital child
Minors' employment as laboratory assistants permitted in certain cases [Sec. 3756m]  -  Act 27
Children riding within truck cargo areas on highways prohibited; exceptions and forfeiture provided  -  Act 420
Children's services program funding revisions [Sec. 808, 916, 918m, 927-929, 937, 938, 941, 942m, 948, 950, 952, 954, 959m, 2298, 2310, 2318, 2337, 2339, 2355, 2356, 2387, 2397-2399, 2403, 2404, 2406, 2407, 2429, 2531, 2532, 2567b, 2588-2593, 2624, 2633, 3267, 7256, 9426 (18)]  -  Act 27
Community services appropriations consolidated re African-American foster parent recruitment and certain adolescent services programs [Sec. 943, 947, 949, 958, 960, 2304, 2405, 2600, 2601]  -  Act 27
County adoption services re foster home conversion cases  -  Act 443
Dangerous weapons possession by pupil: release of peace officers' records to school district administration  -  Act 173
Electronic monitoring of juveniles: contract and fee assessment revisions [Sec. 784, 790, 6362, 6363, 6374-6381, 9112 (1)]  -  Act 27
Facility licensure revisions [Sec. 2438-2440, 2583, 2584, 2587, 2598, 2602-2607, 3227-3231, 3233, 3238m, 3239, 9326 (22)]  -  Act 27
Fishing seasons in urban areas: DNR may establish for certain persons; agreement of local government required re designation of body of water  -  Act 91
Foster care: maximum number in long-term care [Sec. 2029]  -  Act 27
Foster care permanency plan reviews: annual report requirement eliminated  -  Act 143
Foster care provided by nonlegally responsible relatives: county funding revision [Sec. 848, 889]  -  Act 27
OWI with minor passenger: penalties doubled; community work provision  -  Act 425
Youth aids rates and allocation revisions [Sec. 826, 826m, 2170, 2191, 2193, 2194, 2196, 2197, 2199-2201, 2204, 2546, 2548, 9426 (25)]  -  Act 27
children _ abuse and neglectChildren — Abuse and neglect
Child abuse and neglect prevention systems and programs: JLC to study  -  Act 275
Child abuse or neglect records and reports: disclosure provision expanded  -  Act 369
Child abuse or neglect records and reports: disclosure to voluntary reporters permitted; procedure set  -  Act 275
Children in crisis program eliminated [Sec. 945, 2205]  -  Act 27
CHIPS jurisdiction: grounds revised; terminology modified; jury provisions  -  Act 275
Community aids funds to employ private attorneys re certain children's code proceedings  -  Act 275
Crimes against children and person responsible for a child: coverage expanded to stepparent  -  Act 214
Definitions of child abuse, physical injury and emotional damage revised  -  Act 275
Domestic abuse grant revisions [Sec. 939, 2340-2345, 2346-2348]  -  Act 27
Firearms possession by persons subject to certain injunctions restricted; entry of information into enforcement system; provisions re surrender and storage of firearms and release of information by DOJ  -  Act 71
Health care records of minors and developmentally disabled: access to by parent, guardian or protection and advocacy agency revised  -  Act 169
Nude or partially nude photograph or other visual representations: taking, possessing or distributing without subject's consent prohibited; exceptions provided  -  Act 249
Restitution to sexual assault victims and certain child victims: payment for cost of necessary professional services permitted  -  Act 161
Sexual assault and crimes against children: maximum prison term increased  -  Act 69
Sexual assault of a child: offenders prohibited from volunteering or working with children under 16 years of age  -  Act 265
Sexual assault of a child: penalty enhancement re parent, guardian or responsible person  -  Act 14
Sexual crimes against children: coverage broadened  -  Act 67
TPR grounds revised re child abuse and failure to assume parental responsibility  -  Act 275
TPR on grounds of abandonment revised  -  Act 275